Due detects any date and time provided in the reminder title and allows you to set the due date and time accordingly.
For example, you can enter:
- "Collect passport next Monday 4pm",
- "Make dinner reservation at 14:00 tomorrow",
- "Wish Sally happy birthday on Aug 22 at 8 AM"
- "Phone contract expires May 30 2023"
There are no fixed formats to follow for dates and time; "4pm" works just as fine as "4:00 PM" or "16:00", and "Aug 22" works as well as "22 August" or "8/22". Relative dates like "in 20 mins" or "in 6 months" also work.
To set your due date using the detected date and time in your title, you'd first need to dictate or type your reminder with the date and time (eg. Product Meeting Friday 9am). Next, tap on the button labelled 'Set to: <parsed date>' button that appears in the top row of the Quick Access Times.
You can watch the feature in action here: